[dmd-internals] [dmd-beta] Time for new beta

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Mon May 28 13:07:19 PDT 2012

There's an analogy that we like to use at work, and in my experience it holds pretty well for code quality and bleeds
pretty well into the entire development process:


We do an ok job when it comes to the tests (though certainly not perfect).  We've been getting a lot better at
addressing regressions, though there's still 4 open right now (1 phobos, 2 druntime, 1 dmd).  Can we please make the
remaining open regressions a release blocker?

Also, I'd really love to see the pull lists knocked down considerably before the next beta, particularly the phobos set
(considering the larger set of people with access to it).  The d-p-l and tools sets should be even easier to keep at 0,
but even those have some accumulated requests, the oldest of which is over a year now.

Several of the open requests (across all the repos) are open because there's some controversy about them.  I'll pick the
'dur' ones as a good, but hardly only, example.  Either those should be pulled or closed.  Leaving in limbo helps no
one.  For this sort of request, a choice needs to be made and move on.  A key part of the problem with this set is that
we don't have a process for deciding what to do with them.  Anyone care to put forth a proposal?

Another example is the const(Object)ref code change.  There's little value in the pull request being open for a year.
Closing the pull request does NOT do anything irrevocable as the branch remains available (assuming the author doesn't
delete it).  Keeping it open doesn't help with anything other than maybe loosing track of it, but that's better done
through bugzilla, imho.  Closing it wouldn't be a rejection, but a long term deferral.

What's stopping us from handling all pull requests w/in a week?  Or even better a day or two?

My 2 cents,

On 5/28/2012 1:41 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> Since I'll be out next week, I think that would be a good time to do a beta. So, let's aim towards getting a beta
> release ready by Saturday.
> -Walter
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