[dmd-internals] non-PODs again

Johannes Pfau johannespfau at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 12 12:00:20 PDT 2013

Am 10.03.2013 07:20, schrieb Walter Bright:
> On 3/9/2013 2:18 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
>> Am 08.03.2013 19:54, schrieb Walter Bright:
>>> On 3/8/2013 4:40 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
>>>> So please explain what's illegal in this concrete example #2.
>>> If it lives in a register, then exception handling recovery won't 
>>> work on it.
>> It only lives in the register for a very short time though.
> What's the point, then? The compiler will cache fields in registers 
> anyway.
The point is passing it in a register should be faster than passing it 
on the stack or even passing by reference.

However, thinking about it I found another issue which shows that we 
have to pass non-PODs (at least those with destructors) by reference. I 
filed a bug report for dmd here:


I also filed a bug report for gdc. Fixing will have to wait till the 
above bug is fixed though cause the fix may need frontend changes and 
without the above fix non-PODs can't be implemented in gdc because of 
gcc-specific details.

Johannes Pfau

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