[dmd-internals] [D-Programming-Language/dmd]

Leandro Lucarella luca at llucax.com.ar
Thu May 30 02:20:57 PDT 2013

GitHub, el 29 de May a las 21:58 me escribiste:
>   Branch: refs/tags/v2.063.1
>   Home:   https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd

What does this mean? For a second I thought, "Cool! There will be
patchlevel release from now on!", but then, AFAIK 2.063 have not been
publicly released, so what's the deal with the .1?

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Dentro de 30 años Argentina va a ser un gran supermercado con 15
changuitos, porque esa va a ser la cantidad de gente que va a poder
comprar algo.
	-- Sidharta Kiwi

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