[Greylist-users] Microsoft and Greylisting

martin dempsey mjd at digitaleveryware.com
Fri Feb 6 08:16:11 PST 2004

> I predict that if Microsoft plays this game, our greylisting will be much
> less effective.

Greylisting is still a great tool even if Microsoft does it. Remember, 
everyone can set their own unique timeouts. If everyone uses different time 
values the only way to get through is to retry a couple times. Spammers use 
every bit of bandwidth they can steal so doubling/tripling whatever is a good 
thing (I do my rejects at the end of the data phase).

Also, remember blacklists are important too. By using non greylisted 
honeypots to catch spam and update blacklists, spammers ip addresses can be 
already in blacklists when the greylist time delay expires -- no problem.

I can see some benefit in Microsoft doing it. It will cause people to 
properly setup their MTAs to retry.

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