[Greylist-users] Beginning with grey

Adrian de los Santos demon at demon.com.mx
Mon Jan 3 08:10:19 PST 2005

Graylisting does not stop spam, it prevents a fire and forget kind of 
spam, you must use graylisting as a first line of defense but 
complement that with a spam detection software (dspam or spamassassin). 
But for me, grelisting + RBL has cut 99% of my spam (14500+ spams 
stopped in 1 week, 600 valid emails, check for yourself  
http://www.demon.com.mx/graphs )

Vida Luz.. you speak spanish ?

Look for me on MSN or AIM my contact information is on the bottom of 
this email, i can help you. (or contactme directly via mail)

On 3 Jan, 2005, at 9:30 AM, Vida Luz wrote:

> Hi All,
> I follow step by step the installation of greylisting, my guide was
> http://www.maynidea.com/sendmail/relaydelay.html, but the spam 
> continue,
> I used the script addlist.pl to import to my database relaydelay, the
> lines que i used was:
> perl addlist.pl -whitelist 9999-12-31 23:59:59 < whitelist_ip.txt
> perl addlist.pl -blacklist 9999-12-31 23:59:59 < blacklist_ip.txt
> My poblem is taht the spam no stop, I have spam and I am using the
> greylisting.
> somebody can help me?
> Thanks in Advanced,
> Regards.
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                                  OO +  _
                                =(' = \/~)
Adrian de los Santos (aka: Demon)
Cuautitilan Izcalli, Mexico. Phone: 58815312
ICQ:105297277 | MSN:demon at demon.com.mx | AOL:bzImage9 | Yahoo:bzImage8
Jabber: demon at jabber.org
SCO ACE, RHCE: 803004054411970
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G+ e h+ r++ y+                                http://www.geekcode.com/

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