[Greylist-users] New IETF Draft SMTP Extension for Greylisting Operations

Hector Santos hsantos at isdg.net
Mon Oct 24 00:38:20 PDT 2011


The following IETF draft was submitted for review by Greylisting 
operators and developers.

     Title           : SMTP Service Extension for Greylisting Operations
     Author(s)       : Hector Santos
                       Evan Harris
     Filename        : draft-santos-smtpgrey-00.txt
     Pages           : 17
     Date            : 2011-10-23

    GREYLIST is a SMTP extension to formalize the widely supported
    Greylisting mail filtering method and to help support SMTP rejected
    transports by following a new formal structured 4yz server temporary
    rejection response by including a retry=time tag string which SMTP
    clients can use to optimize the rescheduling of the mail delivery
    attempts.  With adoption, network overhead reduction in wasteful mail
    delivery attempts will be realized.



All input and considerations from large, small to mom and pop people 
would be greatly welcome.

If you are not a member already, the IETF-SMTP mailing list would be 
the preferred discussion area and it would be all the key cogs that 
will have a weight in moving this SMTP extension proposal forward.  To 
join the list, here is the URL:


Your participation and the showing of support from all the active 
Greylisting systems that may support this SMTP extension with a 
retry=time hint in the 4yz response text will go a long way to add 
tremendous "voting power" and weight in the direction this SMTP 
extension will take.

Our mail servers have already implemented the SMTP extension so if you 
need a test site, you can send mail to:

         test-smtpgrey at winserver.com

If I have written to you in the past privately, you are probably 
already auto white listed. So use an different sender account if you 
are interested in testing the server with its 45x greylist responses 
that now include the proposed retry=time hint information.

In addition, if you are planning to explore and implement the SMTP 
extension for your own Greylisting server implementation, provide the 
email address info so we can run test as well against your system 
compliant with the proposal extension.

Thanks for your interest.

Hector Santos, CTO

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