[MudWalker] triggers? (The second phase)

aaron wallace arkady2300
Sun Jul 17 11:10:51 PDT 2005

This trigger works like a charm but there is a way It
could be made better. the xxx attack yyy is how combat
starts and battle over is how it ends. so since I use
other triggers to capture fails and successes and
refire the skill I wanted to know if I could make this
trigger only work the first time it matches until a
battle over message happens then reset it gain so the
trigger will work again.

so I want a counter on the trigger that gets reset at
every battle over and stops the trigger from working
after the first use.

is this possible or am I gunna have to learn how to
use lua to get stuff like that to happen.

thank you very much for your help with the eariler
trigger and teaching me how to use arguments.


> Write the trigger as:
>    Match:
>      ^\S+ attacks (.*)$
>    Script:
>      use strike to injure at $$arg[1]

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