[MudWalker] Healing Trigger

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Thu Jan 29 04:04:58 PST 2009

On Jan 28, 2009, at 20:50, Dom Sengsouvanna wrote:

> My Hp Bar:
> Hp: 4185(4185)  Gp: 2300(2300)  Xp: 3408892  Quest Xp: 0  Socp:  
> 168(168)
> Trigger:
> ^ *Hp:(\d+\)(\d+\) +Gp:(\d+\)(\d+\) +Xp:\d+ Quest Xp:\d+\ +Socp:\d+\ 
> (\d+\) *$
> But this doesn't seem to work.  Can someone tell me what I may be  
> doing wrong?

Your pattern does not match the space before the numbers, and it has  
mismatched capturing and literal parentheses.

You want:
^ *Hp: *(\d+)\((\d+)\) +Gp: *(\d+)\((\d+)\) +Xp: *(\d+) +Quest Xp: *(\d 
+) +Socp: *(\d+)\((\d+)\) *$

Note that there is a "\(" "\)" for each "(" ")" in the original, and  
there is a " *" or " +" for every space in the original.

Now, count the capturing parentheses "(" ")" to determine their numbers:
   1 Hp
   2 Max Hp (I assume)
   3 Gp
   4 Max Gp
   5 Xp
   6 Quest Xp
   7 Socp
   8 Max Socp

so for this trigger you will want to use arg[1] and arg[3] in the  
script to get the Hp and Gp fields.

If you don't care about any of the fields, you can skip the capturing  
parentheses around them, too:

^ *Hp: *(\d+)\(\d+\) +Gp: *(\d+)\(\d+\) +Xp: *\d+ +Quest Xp: *\d+  
+Socp: *\d+\(\d+\) *$

This pattern will match *only* Hp and Gp and put them in arg[1] and  
arg[2]. However, I myself would choose the first pattern I gave which  
captures *every* field, so that if you want to add additional actions  
to do based on your hp bar you can add to the script without adding

> Script:
>     @@if tonumber(arg[1]) <= 1500 then
>         drink healing poton
>     @@iftonumber(arg[2]) <= 500 then
>         drink mana potion
>     @@end

You have a missing space in the second @@if, and no @@end for the  
first one. (These mistakes should be mentioned in the little script  
error popup.)

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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