[MudWalker] Argument Problem

Dom Sengsouvanna sengsod at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 29 23:01:40 PST 2009

Using the room variables from the previous thread, I am having difficulty capturing an argument that wraps into the next line.  Say for instance the trigger message is:

You finish a spell and a great clay hand rises up out of the earth, engulfing
Eluten Guard.

And I want to put it into a channel:

racechannel:  "I have engulfed (.*) at $(roomvar)$ [$(exits)$]!!! EVERYONE COME AND GET SOME!!!"

Mudwalker for some reason doesn't comply with the script.  If there a way to get that argument from the 2nd line?? If not, is there a way to stretch the line longer, so that it all fits into one line??



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