[MudWalker] I don't happen to have the manual... wondering about separator character

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Sun Aug 23 12:25:56 PDT 2009

On Jul 15, 2009, at 2:55, Shane Tarrant wrote:

>  If there is a separator character, I'd appreciate the information,

What do you mean by separator character? If you want to do multiple  
commands in sequence, just write them on separate lines; press Option- 
Return to enter a line break without sending the command. (The ability  
to do that is the whole reason MudWalker's input field has a scroll  
bar and so on. Though I've thought about combining it with the output  
window. while keeping the functionality.)

>  and even better, if possible, a link to a complete MudWalker  
> Manual. Thank you

The info in the Help menu is what's there. For any more documentation,  
it will have to be written by someone.

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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