[MudWalker] SVN repositories for my projects moved

Kevin Reid kpreid at mac.com
Sun Dec 20 16:40:19 PST 2009

The public Subversion repositories managed by me have moved to a new  
server and URL. Please use the following commands to update any  
working copies you may have.

E-on-CL, E-on-JavaScript, E-on-Haskell, e-benchmark, kEIO
     svn switch --relocate svn://slimy.com/cl-e/ \

     svn switch --relocate svn://www.slimy.com/kpreid/den/ \

     svn switch --relocate svn://slimy.com/mudwalker/ \

(The old URL may be with or without the www. as I have not been  
entirely consistent; 'svn info' will show what you have. It must match  
for the svn switch to have any effect.)

Kevin Reid                                  <http://switchb.org/kpreid/>

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