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Thank you Kevin, for an awesome program. Medievia is always at the top
of the boards on mud rankings, and now I'm going to work on making
MudWalker the recommended client for Mac users! <br>
<blockquote cite="mid:755E3AD6-0710-4900-A7BC-C1DEF80B9D18@mac.com"
<pre wrap=""><!---->
MudWalker scripts cannot write to files. This is deliberate;
otherwise, using a connection document you got from someone else
could do harmful things (much like Word macro viruses).
However, here's something that might do the job.
Match patterns:
^We will pay you (\d+) gold for each (.*)\.$
Direct to channel: Trading Data
Substitute text: $(arg[1])$,"$(arg[2])$"
With this trigger enabled, every line in the response format you show
above will appear in a separate window in CSV format. You can select
and copy the text out, and close the window when you're done.