[phobos] phobos commit, revision 1670

Philippe Sigaud philippe.sigaud at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 14:18:46 PDT 2010

>> this(U)(U another) if (is(U == Tuple!(V), V...)) { ... }


> Is that 'is' syntax correct?

No, halas you can't put a V... inside an is expression. Only is(U ==
Tuple!V, V) is authorized.
To detect a Tuple, I use the following workaround: std.typecons.Tuple has a
.Types member, so test for it (and btw .Types will give you the V tuple):

this(U)(U another) if (is(U.Types)) // U is a Tuple

alias U.Types V;

also, testing for U.stringof beginning with "Tuple!("... But I don't like

> I've got to say that tuples are proving to be both incredibly powerful and
> incredibly frustrating to work with.


> I'm still trying to sort out a working test to tell these two functions
> apart:
> void fnA(Tuple!int) {}
> void fnB(int) {}

Like this?

template isTuple(T)
    static if (is(T.Types))
        enum bool isTuple = true;
        enum bool isTuple = false;

template InternalTypes(T) if (isTuple!T) // Gosh, I need it later, DMD
doesn't like some complex types expressions
    alias T.Types InternalTypes;

template isTupleFunction(alias fun)
    static if (ParameterTypeTuple!fun.length == 1 &&
        enum bool isTupleFunction = true;
        enum bool isTupleFunction = false;

But you also need to test for fun to be a standard function.

> Alternately, a way to pass a Tuple!int to either one automatically would be
> even better.  Or instead, make Variant.convertsTo distinguish between the
> two.  Right now it doesn't.

One thing nice to know (sorry if that's common knowledge) is that you can
send a Tuple to a standard function by using its .field/.expand member.

int foo(int i, double d, string s) { return i*s.length;}

auto t = tuple(2, 3.14, "abc");

foo(t.expand); // 2*3

To automate the process, you can use a function adaptor:

Transforms a tuple-taking function into a standard function.
template untuplify(alias fun)
    static if (isTupleFunction!fun)
        ReturnType!fun untuplify(InternalTypes!(ParameterTypeTuple!fun[0])
            return fun(tuple(args));
    else // consider fun to be a function, that should be tested
        alias fun untuplify;

Transforms a standard function into a tuple-accepting one.
template tuplify(alias fun)
    static if (isTupleFunction!fun)
        alias fun tuplify;
        ReturnType!fun tuplify(Tuple!(ParameterTypeTuple!fun) args)
            return fun(args.expand);

It's too bad I have to use a secondary template like InternalTypes, but


is accepted, whereas


 is not.

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