<html><head><title>ZeroDegrees</title><STYLE>.clfont{font-family:verdana;font-size:11px}</STYLE></head><body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=0><tr height=10><td colspan=3> </td></tr><tr height=15><td width=10> </td><td class=clfont align=left>Hello,<br><br>Weston Fryatt wants to connect with you in the ZeroDegrees business network.<br><br>I am now using ZeroDegrees to maintain and extend my professional network. By connecting, we will both benefit and increase the number of new opportunities that come our way. Click the link below to add me as your connection.<br><br><a href="http://prodapp1.zerodegrees.com/zero/jsp/registerExternal.jsp?id=Njg3NQ**&email=d2ZyeWF0dEBtdXVmLmNvbQ**&mFName=V2VzdG9u&mLName=RnJ5YXR0&toEmail=dndvcmxkLXRlY2hAY3ViaWsub3Jn">Click here to learn more about (and potentially accept) this invitation.</a><br><br>There are well over 300,000 business people (and growing) in the network today. By accepting this invitation and connecting with Weston Fryatt, you can gain access to literally thousands of new people for deals, sales, employment, expertise -- or for any other purpose. Introductions and opportunities are always screened by people you already know, so you can be sure you won't be spammed. You are always in charge of how much information you share. The service is not charging yet, and you can break your connection with Weston Fryatt any time you wish.<br><br>Sincerely,<br>Weston Fryatt<br>(Click <a href=http://prodapp1.zerodegrees.com/zero/profiles/WestonFryatt6875.htm>here</a> to view my Profile)<br><br>-----------------------<br>About ZeroDegrees:<br>-----------------------<br>Found at <a href="http://www.zerodegrees.com">http://www.zerodegrees.com</a>, the ZeroDegrees business networking service is part of the IAC/InterActiveCorp (Nasdaq: IACI) family of companies which includes trusted brands such as Expedia.com, LendingTree.com, Hotels.com, Hotwire, TicketMaster, HSN, Evite, Match.com and others.</td><td width=10> </td></tr><tr height=5><td colspan=3> </td></tr></table></body></html>