central package repository (Re: D being talked about at gcc.gnu.org (RPM))
Philip Van Hoof
spam at pvanhoof.be
Thu Apr 20 02:31:16 PDT 2006
On Thu, 2006-04-20 at 09:50 +0200, Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Thomas Kuehne wrote:
> > How about a "packages" project at dsource for a central
> > repository of *.spec, *.ebuild and the like?
> Brad said earlier he didn't have the space or bandwidth to host
> the actual GDC packages, so I just put the make/spec files up...
I have both the space and bandwidth for hosting such packages. I can
also setup a virtual computer (Xen 3.0) for it. Please let me know if
you need hosting assistance. As I like the D programming language, I'm
not even planning to ask money for this service. But it would be nice to
know the space requirements (as our disks aren't extremely large).
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/d/Makefile [stuck at 0.10]
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/d/gdc.spec (being updated)
> I also did packages for DMD, but since it's not distributable
> it is all up to Walter - and he doesn't really like packages...
I finished a package that integrates with for example the gcc 4.0.2
package of Fedora Core 4.
This is the source stuff like the gcc 4.0.2 sources and the spec file:
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/d/dmd.nsi [stuck at 0.146]
> http://www.algonet.se/~afb/d/dmd.spec (being updated)
> For the Gentoo ebuilds, they need to be in their "portage"
> tree in order to be useful - but that's a political issue.
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48136 (gdc)
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46806 (dmd)
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118209 (D)
> I guess Debian has similiar issues in that it needs an
> active maintainer to volunteer, and I don't know dpkg.
> But someone making up a .DEB package would be neat,
> since I think the same could be used for Ubuntu too ?
> (Start Here: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/)
They are reusable for Ubuntu, indeed. But for example Dapper is already
using gcc 4.1.x as default compiler, which afaik doesn't work with gdc
at this moment. Same for Fedora Core 5.
> I've also considered doing a stand-alone "/opt" GDC package
> with conservative settings, that would work on all distros.
> (you would probably have to bundle it with GCC/G++/GDB too)
> Maybe one could use something like http://autopackage.org/
> or http://klik.atekon.de/ to deliver it for easy install ?
> (i.e. making it similar to the Installers for Mac and Win)
> There is also the possibility of bundling up a pre-compiled
> "GDC toolkit" for MinGW and MSYS, for use with Windows too ?
> Perhaps as a "DevPak" type of tarball ? http://devpaks.org/
> There could be a /opt/gdc package, for each of the platforms.
> (those would be: Windows with MinGW, Linux, Mac OS X / Darwin)
> And then we could offer binaries for e.g. wxD to those as well ?
> Coordinating the binary packages sounds like a very good idea.
> Would be neat to have this and hosting, in place for GDC 0.18 ?
> But I would want to wait for the feedback from David Friedman...
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