central package repository (Re: D being talked about at gcc.gnu.org (RPM))

kris foo at bar.com
Thu Apr 20 09:11:26 PDT 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Philip Van Hoof wrote:
>> I have both the space and bandwidth for hosting such packages. I can
>> also setup a virtual computer (Xen 3.0) for it. Please let me know if
>> you need hosting assistance. As I like the D programming language, I'm
>> not even planning to ask money for this service. But it would be nice to
>> know the space requirements (as our disks aren't extremely large).
> Some ballpark figures:
> GDC binary  - 5 MB
> source code - 15 MB
> GCC/G++/GDC - 30 MB
> But it depends on how many variations we want to be hosting ?
> For the Mac I am currently hosting three PPC variants, and one
> "Universal" X86/PPC build (that is 3 times the size of the others,
> since it targets all of two runtime arches and two target arches)

How about just hosting the binaries? It many not be ideal, but certainly 
very useful all the same ...

2 cents

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