Building Apple GCC with GDC

David Friedman dvdfrdmn at
Wed Dec 6 18:22:01 PST 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> I'm trying to build Apple's "Universal" gcc-5363,
> but somehow it always fails in the install phase ?
> gnumake install RC_OS=macos RC_ARCHS='i386 ppc' TARGETS='i386 ppc' \
>         SRCROOT=`pwd` OBJROOT=`pwd`/build/obj \
>         DSTROOT=`pwd`/build/dst SYMROOT=`pwd`/build/sym
> I added "d" to the --enable-languages in build_gcc,
> otherwise it is using the GCC settings Apple chose.
> Tried building GDC 0.19 with gcc-5341 earlier, but
> didn't have much luck with that effort either... :(
> Downloaded the GCC source code tarball from Apple,
> and added the "d" directory and ran ""
> How did you build gdc-0.19-macos-universal.tar.bz2 ?
> I would like to build a compiler from GDC SVN trunk.
> --anders

I have only done Universal builds with gcc-5341 on MacOS Intel.  The 
build environment on my G5 seems to be messed up so that I can't make 
i386 executables.  gcc-5363 fails on x86_64 stuff.  Hopefully, 
installing Xcode 2.4.1 will fix these problems (downloading now).

Here are the build steps I use:


     tar xzf .../gcc-5341.tar.gz
     cd $src/gcc
     tar xzf .../gdc-src.tar.gz
     cd $src
     mkdir -p build/obj build/dst build/sym
     gnumake install RC_OS=macos RC_ARCHS='i386 ppc' TARGETS='i386 ppc' \
	SRCROOT=`pwd` OBJROOT=`pwd`/build/obj DSTROOT=`pwd`/build/dst \
	SYMROOT=`pwd`/build/sym >> build-log 2>&1 \

     # To make the binary package...

     cd $src/build/obj/obj-i686-i686
     $src/gcc/d/package/ --macos \

     # The binary packages are left in /tmp

The script will add 'd' to --enable-languages.  If you did 
this manually, the rest of the patching of build_gcc may have failed... 
  There is a bug in that lets this patch fail, but still says "GDC setup 

If you still get errors, please send me a log.


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