import concerns

Dave Dave_member at
Sat Jul 8 12:15:26 PDT 2006

Andrei Khropov wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> There's another way - have a different kind of import declaration, say,
>> precede it with static:
>> 	static import foo;
>> which will make the symbols in foo available, but only if they are explicitly
>> qualified. Then one could access bar in foo by either:
>> or:
>> 	alias bar;
>> 	bar();
>> but not:
>> 	bar();	// error, undefined symbol
>> The advantage of this is it is a bit more flexible and more consistent with
>> the way the rest of D lookups work.
> That's what I was talking about in
> Finally got a feedback from Walter :-)
> Looking forward to see this in future releases.
> "as" would be nice too but it's just syntactic sugar for fqn import + alias.

Yes, but the syntactic sugar in this case might be a lot of bang for the 
buck if it's easy to implement along with allowing specific symbols to 
be imported. 'as' is much easier for newbies to D to grasp, turns 2 
lines of code into one *and* makes it easier for maintainers to spot as 
they scan the imports (because aliases can and will be buried anywhere).

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