Strange optimization/inlining error on gdc 0.19

Dave Dave_member at
Fri Jul 28 13:20:02 PDT 2006

Just off-hand, try adding -frelease to the gdc switches. With the gdmd 
script you can use the same opts. as dmd and it will do that.

Downs wrote:
> The following source code displays radically different times between 
> Method 1 and Method 2. It seems some methods don't get inlined, since 
> the dmd build results in far more similar timings.
> I would be grateful for an explanation.
> My values:
> DMD with -release -inline -O:
>     Method 1: 93ms
>     Method 2: 94ms
> GDC with -s -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -finline-functions:
>     Method 1: 450ms <-- !!!!!!!!
>     Method 2: 87ms
> The code for the benchmark was:
> import std.cstream;
> import std.perf;
> final class Small {
>     float value;
>     final void set(float inval) { value=inval; }
>     final float get() { return value; }
> }
> final class Big {
>     Small variable;
>     public this() { variable=new Small(); }
>     final Small getVar() { return variable; }
> }
> int main()
> {
>     Big BigThing=new Big();
>     Small SmallThing=new Small();
>     void method1(inout Big A, inout Small B) { B.set(A.getVar().get()); }
>     void method2(inout Big A, inout Small B) { B.value=A.variable.value; }
>     uint benchmark(void delegate(inout Big, inout Small) fn, Big A, 
> Small B, uint loops) {
>         PerformanceCounter pc=new PerformanceCounter; pc.start();
>     for (uint i=0; i<loops; ++i) fn(A, B);
>     pc.stop(); return pc.microseconds();
>     }
>     const uint looplength=10000000;
>     uint time1=benchmark(&method1, BigThing, SmallThing, looplength);
>     uint time2=benchmark(&method2, BigThing, SmallThing, looplength);
>     dout.writefln("time with method 1 = ", time1);
>     dout.writefln("time with method 2 = ", time2);
>     return 0;
> }

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