os_query_stackBottom() how does it work?

Chad J "gamerChad\" at spamIsBad gmail.com
Mon May 8 16:21:12 PDT 2006

mclysenk at mtu.edu wrote:
> I think there's some confusion with the notation that the GC uses.  Internally
> the stack bottom is the higher address while the stack top is the lower address
> or the stack pointer.  This is a bit confusing at first, but it makes sense
> given that the stack grows downwards.  In order for the GC to mark the entire
> stack used by the program, it needs the stack pointer for the start of the range
> and the stack bottom for the end.
> -Mik

Interesting.  Maybe when that thread/stack is started then the GC could 
store that address somewhere.  Then when it needs the stack "bottom", it 
could just grab that value.  Problem there I see is if the stack gets 
moved, but I think there is a WinCE function that handles that, allowing 
you to set a callback that will be used if the stack is moved or 
something.  If such a thing would work it's probably more efficient than 
the "guess" method that I expect it to use as is.  Either that or I'm 
too much of a newb and don't really understand this stuff.  Anyhow those 
are my thoughts.

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