Ported Gregors DMD 1.018 patch to latest GDC SVN (r127)

alex alex.pia at bluelab.net
Thu Jul 19 17:57:30 PDT 2007

Ingo Oeser wrote:

> If any brave soul tries to compile it and succeeds, maybe it
> can be incorporated.


On my powerpc mac with os x.4.10, building with apple's gcc 4.0.1 on the 
source of apple's gcc sources rev 5363 with gdc rev 127 and this patch, 
passing --disable-multilib to the configure script.

It fails to compile because in the file d/dmd/inline.c :
int AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState*),
int StructLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState*),
Expression* AssocArrayLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState*),
Expression* StructLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState*),
Expression* AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState*)
and Expression* StructLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState*)
were declared twice,
and there was another error about struct Statement not having a member 
function named "isIfStatement" that should have been used to avoid 
dynamic_cast, according to the comments.

I removed the duplicate methods and added isIfStatement, then the 
front-end is ok, but then when compiling libphobos I get :

../../../gcc-5363/libphobos/std/string.d:818: Error: identifier 'string' 
is not defined

Well, it's late, I'm going to sleep...

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