[Issue 1968] New: boxer.d does not work

Fawzi Mohamed fmohamed at mac.com
Sun Apr 6 07:32:55 PDT 2008

I had posted into digitalmars.D the proposal to introduce the function

  void *dyn_va_arg(in TypeInfo ti,inout va_list argptr)

along with the template va_arg.
Such function would clear up the mess in boxer.d, and I think that such 
a function would be nice also for other things.
After having read the gcc ABI on AMD64 where it is made clear that the 
treatment of the va_arg depends only on the size, I implemented 
dyn_va_arg for sizes up to 42 bytes (easily increasable) using that 
I think that such a function (maybe extended to all possible cases) 
should go in std.stdarg, but for the moment I have modified std.boxer 
and put it there.

Indeed the code now is much better, I think that one could also avoid 
the transformation to the base type, but for now I have left it in.

I also modified the unit test with a more stringent test (one that 
would fail with the previous version).

--- boxer.d     (revision 209)
+++ boxer.d     (working copy)
@@ -68,10 +68,9 @@
 module std.boxer;

 private import std.format;
+import std.stdarg;
 private import std.string;
 private import std.utf;
-version (GNU)
-    private import std.stdarg;

  /* These functions and types allow packing objects into generic containers
   * and recovering them later.  This comes into play in a wide spectrum of
@@ -500,9 +499,47 @@
     return array;

+ + Template to get arbitrary structures out of va_arg
+ + assumes that all argument of the same size are treated in the same way
+ +/
+void *dyn_va_argT(int s1,int s2)(in TypeInfo ti,inout va_list argptr){
+    static if (s1 <= s2){
+        if (ti.tsize == s1)
+        {
+            struct ms{byte[s1] mse;};
+               return cast(void *)&va_arg!(ms)(argptr);
+        }
+        return dyn_va_argT!(s1+1,s2)(ti,argptr);
+    }
+    else{
+        char[10] str,str2;
+        throw new Exception("hit max size of dyn_va_argT ("~format(str,s2)~
+            "), ti.tsize="~format(str2,ti.tsize));
+        // if you hit this then either increase the getSizes s2 limit or
+        // hope that the follwing hack works
+        //
+        // assumes a stack based storage, and that the pointer to it
+        // can be retrived via cast...
+        void *v=cast(void*)argptr;
+        void **vv=cast(void**)&argptr;
+        *vv=v+ti.tsize;
+        return v;
+    }
+ + Function that return a pointer to the current argument of the va_list
+ + and updates the va_list.
+ + assumes that all argument of the same size are treated in the same way
+ +/
+void *dyn_va_arg(in TypeInfo ti,inout va_list argptr){
+    return dyn_va_argT!(1,42)(ti,argptr);
   * Box each argument passed to the function, returning an array of boxes.
-  */
+  */
 Box[] boxArray(...)
     version (GNU)
@@ -516,29 +553,9 @@

            while ( (ttd = cast(TypeInfo_Typedef) ti) !is null )
                ti = ttd.base;
-           if (ti is typeid(float))
-           {
-               float f = va_arg!(float)(_argptr);
-               array[index] = box(ti_orig, cast(void *) & f);
-           }
-           else if (ti is typeid(char) || ti is typeid(byte) || ti is 
-           {
-               byte b = va_arg!(byte)(_argptr);
-               array[index] = box(ti_orig, cast(void *) & b);
-           }
-           else if (ti is typeid(wchar) || ti is typeid(short) || ti 
is typeid(ushort))
-           {
-               short s = va_arg!(short)(_argptr);
-               array[index] = box(ti_orig, cast(void *) & s);
-           }
-           else if (ti is typeid(bool))
-           {
-               bool b = va_arg!(bool)(_argptr);
-               array[index] = box(ti_orig, cast(void *) & b);
-           }
-           else
-               array[index] = box(ti_orig, cast(void*) _argptr);
+           void *p=dyn_va_arg(ti,_argptr);
+           array[index] = box(ti, p);

        return array;
@@ -797,7 +814,7 @@
         if (isArrayTypeInfo(value.type))
             return (*cast(void[]*) value.data).ptr;
         if (cast(TypeInfo_Class) value.type)
-            return *cast(Object*) value.data;
+            return cast(T)(*cast(Object*) value.data);

         throw new UnboxException(value, typeid(T));
@@ -891,13 +908,13 @@
     assert(unboxTest!(ireal)(box(45i)) == 45i);

     /* Create an array of boxes from arguments. */
-    Box[] array = boxArray(16, "foobar", new Object);
+    Box[] array = boxArray(new Object, "foobar",16);

     assert(array.length == 3);
-    assert(unboxTest!(int)(array[0]) == 16);
+    assert(unboxTest!(Object)(array[0]) !is null);
     assert(unboxTest!(char[])(array[1]) == "foobar");
-    assert(unboxTest!(Object)(array[2]) !is null);
+    assert(unboxTest!(int)(array[2]) == 16);
     /* Convert the box array back into arguments. */
     TypeInfo[] array_types;
     void* array_data;

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