GDC on psptoolchain

Kostas Karanikolas k_karanikolas at
Fri Jul 25 01:56:53 PDT 2008

John Grindstaff wrote:

> Thanks. How exactly do you compile libgphobos.a for the PSP? I tried it
> but got errors about missing files. What directory should I be in and
> what command do I type?

Build instructions

First of all I'm running OSX Leopard on a PowerPC, so what you need to
do may vary, not by much on a Unix system but potentially a lot on Windows.

I assume you have the latest and complete psp toolchain. If not I
suggest you try downloading & installing a prebuilt one or preferably
use the "psptoolchain" build scripts found on:

Ok, here we go:

1. Make a temporary directory for your build
mkdir pspd
cd pspd

2. Setup environment paths
export PSPDEV=/the/path/where/the/pspsdk/is/already/installed
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin

# If your native compiler tools are in some extra non standard path
# also export these variables.
# In my case I use macports, installed on /opt/local
export C_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/local/include"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/local/include"
export LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/lib"

3. Download and unpack gcc
wget --continue

tar -xvjf gcc-4.1.0.tar.bz2

4. Download and apply psp toolchain patches to gcc
svn export
cd gcc-4.1.0
patch -p1 <../gcc-4.1.0-PSP.patch

5. Download and setup gdc
cd gcc
# we now must be in directory ...../pspd/gcc-4.1.0/gcc

# Checkout dgcc from svn
svn co

cd ..

# setup dgcc
./gcc/d/ --d-language-version=1

5.5 Optional step, for those compiling GCC under Leopard/PowerPC. Apply a patch to fix some GCC compiler errors

cd gcc/config/rs6000/
wget "" -Oleopard_ppc.patch
patch -p1 <leopard_ppc.patch
cd ../../../

6. Configure, build, and install gcc (gdc & libgphobos included)
# Make a separate build subdirectory
# we must be ...../pspd/gcc-4.1.0
mkdir build-psp
cd build-psp

# Configure GCC
../configure --prefix="$PSPDEV" --target="psp" --enable-languages="c,d,c++" --with-newlib --enable-cxx-flags="-G0" --disable-libssp --enable-static --disable-shared

# Compile GCC

# Install GCC
make install

And that should be enough to get a funcional GCC with D/libgphobos

As far as my small libgphobos patch is concerned, I agree that it might not be necessary. However given the temperamental behaviour of the linker (especially when it comes to the order of the PSPSDK libraries) I removed the extra definition of main, to make sure that if no main is declared a linker error would be raised. 
At any rate it works fine without the change.

Have fun !


FreekSh0w86 wrote:
> Oh yeah that's true... I forgot because I made an example without 
> libgphobos but that _would_ interfere. I don't have libgphobos.a 
> compiled yet so I wouldn't know directly. David Friedman wrote:
>> Assuming the C main() in libgphobos is not actually interfering 
>> with the  PSP SDK (e.g., duplicate symbols), you do not have to 
>> rename it. You can call the following function which exists for 
>> exactly this purpose.
>> extern (C) int _d_run_Dmain(int argc, char **argv);
>> David

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