GDC on psptoolchain

FreekSh0w86 perfectcell14 at
Fri Jul 25 19:54:27 PDT 2008

GPL allows full sharing as long as you make available the source code of 
your changes if you release something with it.

Thanks to Kostas advice, I am able to use D on GDC and posted an example 
of a PSP app that uses D's real main function (still with a minor glue C 
source file).


Right now I'm porting all of the PSP SDK's header files to D. I just 
finished with pspgu.h, look forever with its 1000+ lines but most of it 
is comments anyway.

Koroskin Denis wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 03:45:57 +0400, David Friedman 
> <dvdfrdmn at> wrote:
>> John Grindstaff wrote:
>>> Building GDC for the psptoolchain (as psp-gdc) is it possible? I get 
>>> compile errors such as this:
>>>  Even though I did apply PSP patches and ran d language
>>>  I'm not sure how to patch gdc for PSP use. I like programming on 
>>> Playstation Portable, but I only desire to return to that scene if I 
>>> can program in a sensible, modern language such as D.
>> The latest SVN version has fixes that will allow GDC to build with 
>> psptoolchain (and MIPS, in general).  I do not have a PSP, so I cannot 
>> really test it beyond this.
>> David
> I have official psp-gcc sources (patches to gcc), and since they are 
> covered by GPL I think it's ok to share them. Will it help make better 
> psp-gdc?

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