GDC on psptoolchain

FreekSh0w86 perfectcell14 at
Sat Jul 26 19:33:32 PDT 2008

That's how I have it setup now, but someone reminded me that GDC 
actually supports the old gcc-style of inline assembly. So it _may_ 
actually be possible to port those macros to D after all. I'd rather not 
try it though, right now I am busy wrestling with png.h trying to 
convert it to D, but it is the worst C header file I've ever tried to 
look at...

Kostas Karanikolas wrote:
> I think it's better if the PSP_* macros are maintained in a user .c file 
> that gets compiled along with the user application.
> For example:
> pspconfig.c:
> #include <pspkernel.h>
> PSP_MODULE_INFO("my-dmodule", 0, 1, 1);
> Note that no c main function is necessary, just the macros.
> These declarations do vary per application, and give the option of 
> customizing things (thread attributes, kernel/usermode, heap size 
> configuration, etc.).
> John Grindstaff wrote:
>> To clarify, I meant "PSP_MODULE_INFO" macro, and its C wrapper would 
>> ideally be built into libgphobos as a patch so that one could write D 
>> psp projects without the C source file "glue."
>> John Grindstaff wrote:
>>> Thanks very much. That actually worked and libgphobos.a appeared 
>>> where it should (in psp next to libiberty, libc++ or whatever).
>>> Are you using garbage collection without calling Phobos's Cmain 
>>> function? I thought it inits GC with gc_init() so how is that possible?
>>> I wonder if it is possible to write a C-source function wrapper 
>>> around the PSP_MODULE_MACRO so that one could use a D main function 
>>> (as normal)?

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