Update of gdc status of 2009/10/04

Vincenzo Ampolo vincenzo.ampolo at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 14:54:48 PDT 2009

Hi all,

After some weeks of work from last announce in this newsgroup we have 
nice news to share.

Few seconds ago, Michael has updated the trunk of the project with the 
dmd 1.038... so... there are still few versions to merge to reach the 
current 1.045 ;)
Please mind that these versions are not tested using dstress yet but 
just compiling some small examples. We are planning to run dstress on 
every new version as soon as we get free time to set up a gdc+dstress 
build environment.

>From the D2 version i used these weeks to understand how the 2.014 
actually works and i'm over to merge 2.015 (it seems that i introduced 
a bug in parsing static ifs, it took 3 days to understand the 
problem). After 2.015 there will be a decision: continuing to merge 
step-by-step, with problems in how to add druntime (not present in 
2.015) or to force to d 2.032 and merge all the necessary 
modifications made by David in 2.015. I should evaluate which one is 

To see development going on just see this page 
http://bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/changesets/ and if you have a 
bitbucket account, consider to follow the project 
http://bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/follow/ . 

For questions we are in #d.gdc on irc.freenode.net. 

See you ;)

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