Testing suite for gdc for D1 and D2

downs default_357-line at yahoo.de
Thu Oct 8 06:06:15 PDT 2009

Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:
> Hi,
> This is mainly a message to Walter, Andrei and all the people involved in 
> dmd and phobos.
> As you maybe heard, there have been some commits about the gdc compiler 
> and in my previous mail in the NG i announced the complete merge of dmd 
> 1.039 and 2.015.
> We have a problem now, we don't know how to safely test the newer 
> versions of the compiler. The dstress seems the only choice but are they 
> the same tests run before any dmd release? Is it both valid for D1 and 
> D2? If not, what tests are executed on dmd and phobos before each 
> release?
> Thanks.

At the risk of self-aggrandizement, I'm gonna go ahead here and suggest building stacy (my path tracer project, http://dsource.org/projects/stacy ) on -O0 and -O3 -ffast-math and compare the output for a complex scene - the code is very template-heavy and has a documented propensity towards breaking compilers in new and unexpected ways. :)

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