Array Operations

Michael Parrott baseball.mjp at
Thu Aug 19 19:27:01 PDT 2010

Jonathan Crapuchettes Wrote:

> Michael Parrott wrote:
> > Jonathan Crapuchettes Wrote:
> >
> >> I followed the example in issue #30:
> >>
> >>
> >> DFLAGS='-O2 -g -frelease -march=pentium3' ../configure --enable-languages=d
> >> --disable-multilib --disable-shared
> >>
> >> Is this wrong?
> >> JC
> >>
> >> Michael Parrott wrote:
> >>> Jonathan Crapuchettes Wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I have been trying to add the SSE2 array operation code to the compilation, but
> >>>> it seems like the DFLAGS variable isn't being used. Can you offer any suggestions?
> >>>> Thank you,
> >>>> JC
> >>>
> >>> Did you set DFLAGS before running configure? If you didn't, that might be why.
> >>>
> >>> Example:
> >>>
> >>> DFLAGS="-g"
> >>> export DFLAGS
> >>> ../configure --enable-languages=d .....
> >>> make
> >>> sudo make install
> >>>
> >>> Something like that should work.
> >
> > No, that should be fine.
> >
> > What is wrong when you do that? Are there errors when you build? Does Phobos not seem to be taking advantage of the SSE operations?
> >
> > In phobos/internal/array{byte, double, float, int, short}.d, you need to uncomment the sections labelled "version (D_InlineAsm_X86)" to enable the ASM code.
> I did uncommented the version sections, but thank you for the reminder.
> I can tell that the SSE code is not being used because I compared two pieces of 
> code:
> for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
>      c[i] = a[i] / 1000;
> and
> c[] = a[] / 1000;
> They should produce the same result and they do, but the array operation code 
> should be much faster. I base this assumption off of the same speed test using 
> DMD. The execution time for the two code segments, produced by GDC, are about 
> the same. I also compared the assembly for the objects created by GDC and DMD. 
> The GDC code is not using the SSE code as specified in the arrayDouble.d file, 
> but the DMD code is.
> If you have suggestions, I am all ears.
> Thank you for taking the time to help me,
> JC

Well, off the top of my head I can't think of anything else other than just trying to install GDC again.
Perhaps you are giving the wrong -march option? (Maybe something other than pentium3?)

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