GDC - who does what?

Anders F Björklund afb at
Wed Jan 20 12:31:48 PST 2010

Steve Teale wrote:
> Anders, Michael, could you possibly post a summary of who does what with respect to GDC.

I have been doing some GDC/GDB installers:
* (MinGW)
* ("FSF")
* (Apple)

Mostly for use with wxD and with Code::Blocks,
and to make it easier to get started with D...
Either the old GDC 0.24 release, or the "stable"
DMD 1.030 based. The GDB is with the D patches.

Have some patches for "llvm-gdc", but nothing
that is ready for use. (i.e. for LLVM-GCC 4.2)

I'm not particularly interested in GPLv3 or D2,
so haven't done much besides packaging lately.


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