Building an ARM cross compiler

Johannes Pfau spam at
Sun Jan 30 00:03:22 PST 2011

Trass3r wrote:
>> I've got a working cross compiler now. The changes for phobos were  
>> rather small, I'll do some testing whether my changes actually work
>> and if everything is fine I'll send those patches to the phobos
>> mailing list. The second gcc patch wasn't needed, and the default gc
>> compiled fine.
>So the runtime works out of the box?
>Doesn't it contain x86 specific inline assembler code?

I think most of the inline assembler code is in version statements and
has d versions for other architectures. However, the _GDC_ druntime
worked out of the box, it's possible that Iain already patched some
things in there. I also didn't test it a lot because of the GC issue.
The phobos changes are actually integrated in the latest GDC, but I
can't test it right now.

Johannes Pfau
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