shared libraries support in gdc and gdc compilation

Johannes Pfau nospam at
Thu May 16 07:52:36 PDT 2013

Am Thu, 16 May 2013 16:08:24 +0200
schrieb "eles" <eles at>:

> Just tested with the gdc-4.8 branch:
> -> gdc -O0 -g "main.d"    -o 
> "/home/e_ftotir/monodevelop-workspace/dtest/bin/Debug/dtest"
> Error: cannot find source code for runtime library file 'object.d'
>         dmd might not be correctly installed. Run 'dmd -man' for 
> installation instructions.
> Do you have any idea while gdc will spit out an error message 
> asking me to run... dmd?

Well, it's a message produced by the frontend and it's hardcoded... We
could change this in the frontend, but as we work towards a unified
frontend we need a better solution.

> And how to correct this?

I assume you haven't used --disable-libphobos when configuring gcc?
If you have moved the gdc directory out of the location which was
specified with --prefix, that's the problem. gdc is currently not
relocatable, I'll provide a fix for that this weekend.

If you didn't move gdc I'm not sure what's happening. Please provide a
bug report including the output of gdc -v.

IIRC there is no way to print the search paths gdc uses, we should
probably hook that up to "-print-search-dirs".

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