Newbie GDC issues

Iain Buclaw ibuclaw at
Fri Sep 6 00:50:08 PDT 2013

On 6 September 2013 08:34, Ramon <spam at> wrote:
> On Friday, 6 September 2013 at 07:02:56 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> Dynamic arrays are just structs with a length and ptr field.  So when
>> you invoke '.length' in the debugger you aren't calling a method, you
>> are just retrieving the type's field value.
>> Currently, the only fancy thing the gdb does with D arrays is that it
>> pretty prints them. So take for example you have:
>> { .length = 5, .ptr = "Hello" };
>> Rather than printing the dynamic array like the above, it does a
>> printf("%*.s") style operation to print the contents of .ptr, but only
>> as far as .length.  This is important because dynamic arrays are not
>> expected to be '0' terminated, and you can slice a dynamic array into
>> smaller arrays without copying data.
>> Having the ability to slice D arrays using [] in gdb is something on
>> my todo list when I get round to improving gdb for D.
> Thanks for the explanation, Iain.
> But: Doesn't that mean that myArray[] is just syntactic sugar for
> myArray.ptr[i]? And if so wouldn't it make sense to fool gdb, too, to accept
> print myArray[4] instead of myArray.ptr[4]?

Yes, myArray[] is just syntactical sugar.  What the compiler code
generates is myArray.ptr[i].

gdb will always accept myArray.ptr[4] because arrays are just structs.
 As I said, [] is something on my todo list.

> Funnily btw. "p myArray" prints out the whole array, yet asking it to print
> out myArray[3] fails as described.

As I said in my previous message, this is the only thing that gdb does
fancy with D arrays at this moment.  If you wrote the equivalent code
in C and called 'p myArray' in the debugger you'd get:

{ .length = 5, .ptr = "Hello12maybesomegarbageontheend" }

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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