gdc on linux does not install druntime's .d files?

eles eles at
Tue Sep 24 07:02:11 PDT 2013


  After compiling/installing the HEAD version of gdc in 
/opt/gdc4.9, I have:

$ls /opt/gdc-4.9/include/d/4.9.0/
core  crc32.d  etc  gcc  object.di  std  x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

$ls /opt/gdc-4.9/include/d/4.9.0/std/
algorithm.d    csv.d         mathspecial.d  signals.d       uni.d
array.d        datetime.d    md5.d          socket.d        uri.d
ascii.d        demangle.d    metastrings.d  socketstream.d  utf.d
base64.d       digest        mmfile.d       stdint.d        uuid.d
bigint.d       encoding.d    net            stdiobase.d     
bitmanip.d     exception.d   numeric.d      stdio.d         
c              file.d        outbuffer.d    stream.d        xml.d
compiler.d     format.d      parallelism.d  string.d        zip.d
complex.d      functional.d  path.d         syserror.d      zlib.d
concurrency.d  getopt.d      process.d      system.d
container.d    internal      random.d       traits.d
conv.d         json.d        range.d        typecons.d
cstream.d      math.d        regex.d        typetuple.d

(shows that files .d of phobos/std are installed).

OTOH, among files that should be in druntime, only object.di (see 
above) and thread.di seem to be installed, and no .d files:

$ls /opt/gdc-4.9/include/d/4.9.0/core/

The DMD installation seems to deploy files where expected:

-- for druntime:

$ls /usr/include/dmd/druntime/import/core/
atomic.d  cpuid.d     exception.d  memory.d   simd.d  sync  
thread.di  vararg.d
bitop.d   demangle.d  math.d       runtime.d  stdc    sys   time.d

-- for phobos:
$ls /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/
algorithm.d    csv.d         mathspecial.d  signals.d       uni.d
array.d        datetime.d    md5.d          socket.d        uri.d
ascii.d        demangle.d    metastrings.d  socketstream.d  utf.d
base64.d       digest        mmfile.d       stdint.d        uuid.d
bigint.d       encoding.d    net            stdiobase.d     
bitmanip.d     exception.d   numeric.d      stdio.d         
c              file.d        outbuffer.d    stream.d        xml.d
compiler.d     format.d      parallelism.d  string.d        zip.d
complex.d      functional.d  path.d         syserror.d      zlib.d
concurrency.d  getopt.d      process.d      system.d
container.d    internal      random.d       traits.d
conv.d         json.d        range.d        typecons.d
cstream.d      math.d        regex.d        typetuple.d

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