master branch broken

Johannes Pfau nospam at
Mon Mar 24 01:27:54 PDT 2014

Am Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:58:01 -0700
schrieb Brad Roberts <braddr at>:

> I'm not at all concerned about space, and not sure why most
> developers would be.  Assuming that the GDC changes were done on a
> non-master branch, and that master reflects the GCC master, then
> seeing what the GDC changes are would be a typical git operation: git
> diff master..GDC.

It's not really space, it's the time needed for a git clone. Cloning gdc
already takes 12 min here. Cloning the gcc repo takes 4 hours and 50
min. I end up cloning gdc more often than I like (testing build
scripts, testing gdc on new machines, ...)

Also linux distributions want to use GDC with the same GCC version they
normally use. So if a distribution uses gcc-4.8.1 but our sources are
gcc-4.8.2 only that'd be a problem. The current approach always works
for all minor versions.

> But I can deal with a json config file if necessary.  Even better /
> easier, would be a file with a single line that is the name of the
> file that should exist, ie:
> -----
> gcc-4.9-20131201.tar.bz2
> -----
> I don't mind updating the tester as it stands today, but I kinda need
> to _know_ it needs to be updated.  Waiting for things to fail,
> waiting for someone to notice, and waiting for someone to diagnose it
> as being 'too old' all sucks. :)

OK, I've added a gcc.version file to all branches. It's the name of the
source archive without the 'tar.bz2' file extension.

> If the GDC repo contained 3 branches, GDC-4.7, GDC-4.8, and GDC-4.9,
> having the auto-tester work on them would be _trivial_.  I could
> enable that right now.  It takes less than 5 minutes to do for new
> DMD branches.

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