On processors for D ~ decoupling
Derek Parnell
derek at psych.ward
Thu Apr 6 16:42:16 PDT 2006
On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 13:52:08 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
>> Instead of adding a duplicate itoa() method (about 60 bytes of code), or
>> perhaps linking to the C library version, TypeInfo gratuitously imports
>> std.string and all its vast array of baggage. Heck, everyone makes
>> mistakes, but your comment above indicates you feel this kind of tight
>> coupling is perfectly fine?
> Although there is a lot of code in std.string, unreferenced free
> functions in it should be discarded by the linker. A check of the
> generated .map file should verify this - it is certainly supposed to
> work that way. One problem Java has is that there are no free functions,
> so referencing one function wound up pulling in every part of the class
> the function resided in.
The following program ...
void main() {}
linked in the following modules (from the .map file)
??0RTLHeap@@QAE at XZ
??0RTLHeapBlock@@QAE at IAAV0@@Z
??0RTLHeapBlock@@QAE at XZ
??0RTLHeapBlockHeader@@QAE at I@Z
??0RTLMultiPool@@QAE at II@Z
??0RTLPool@@QAE at II@Z
??0Type_info@@AAA at ABV0@@Z
??0bad_cast at std@@QAE at ABV01@@Z
??0bad_cast at std@@QAE at XZ
??0exception at std@@QAE at XZ
??0type_info at std@@IAE at XZ
??1RTLMultiPool@@QAE at XZ
??1Type_info@@UAA at XZ
??1__eh_cv@@QAE at XZ
??1bad_cast at std@@UAE at XZ
??1bad_exception at std@@UAE at XZ
??1bad_typeid at std@@UAE at XZ
??1exception at std@@UAE at XZ
??1type_info at std@@UAA at XZ
??2 at YAPAXI@Z
??3 at YAXPAX@Z
??_GType_info@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Gbad_cast at std@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Gbad_exception at std@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Gbad_typeid at std@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Gexception at std@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Gtype_info at std@@UAEPAXI at Z
??_Qbad_cast at std@@6B@
??_Qbad_exception at std@@6B@
??_Qbad_typeid at std@@6B@
??_Qexception at std@@6B@
??_Qtype_info at std@@6B@
?Alloc at RTLHeap@@QAEPAXK at Z
?Alloc at RTLMultiPool@@QAEPAXK at Z
?Alloc at RTLPool@@QAEPAXXZ
?Claim at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEHI at Z
?CreateMainHeap at RTLHeap@@SAXXZ
?CreateMainHeap at RTLMultiPool@@SAXXZ
?FixSize at RTLHeap@@AAEII at Z
?Free at RTLHeap@@QAEXPAX at Z
?Free at RTLMultiPool@@QAEXPAX at Z
?Free at RTLPool@@QAEXPAX at Z
?GetNext at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEAAV1 at XZ
?Handle_VC_Exception@@YAPAUEhstack@@PAU_EXCEPTION_RECORD@@H at Z
?InsertAfter at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEXAAV1@@Z
?MergeBackward at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEHXZ
?MergeForward at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEHXZ
?MoreCore at RTLHeap@@AAEPAVRTLHeapBlock@@I at Z
?Realloc at RTLHeap@@QAEPAXPAXK at Z
?Realloc at RTLMultiPool@@QAEPAXPAXK at Z
?Reclaim at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEHIAAV1@@Z
?Remove at RTLHeapBlock@@QAEXXZ
?SelectFree at RTLMultiPool@@AAEXPAX at Z
?ThreadNewBlock at RTLPool@@AAEXXZ
?__cpp_local_unwind@@YAXPAU_CPP_Establisher_Frame@@PADH at Z
?__do_newalloc@@YAPAXI at Z
?__eh_delete@@YAXPAX at Z
?__eh_delp@@3P6AXPAX at ZA
?__eh_new@@YAPAXI at Z
?__eh_newp@@3P6APAXI at ZA
?__internal_cpp_framehandler@@YA?AW4_EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION@@PAUfunc_data@@PAU_EXCEPTION_RECORD@@PAU_CPP_Establisher_Frame@@PAU_CONTEXT@@PAX at Z
?__rtti_cast@@YAPAXPAX0PBD1H at Z
?__rtti_match@@YAHPBD0PAI at Z
?_call_catch_block@@YAXJIP6CHXZ at Z
?_new_handler@@3P6AHI at ZA
?match_with_vc_throw_type@@YAHPAUThrowInfo@@PADPAI at Z
?pMainHeap at RTLHeap@@0PAV1 at A
?pMainHeap at RTLMultiPool@@0PAV1 at A
?pPools at RTLPool@@0PAV1 at A
?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ at Z
?set_terminate at std@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ at Z
?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ at Z
?set_unexpected at std@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ at Z
?what at bad_cast@std@@UBEPBDXZ
?what at bad_exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ
?what at bad_typeid@std@@UBEPBDXZ
?what at exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ
_CloseHandle at 4
_CreateSemaphoreA at 16
_CreateThread at 24
_DeleteCriticalSection at 4
_DeleteFileA at 4
_DuplicateHandle at 28
_EnterCriticalSection at 4
_ExitProcess at 4
_ExitThread at 4
_FileTimeToDosDateTime at 12
_FindClose at 4
_FindFirstFileA at 8
_FindNextFileA at 8
_FreeEnvironmentStringsA at 4
_GetACP at 0
_GetCPInfo at 8
_GetCommandLineA at 0
_GetCurrentProcess at 0
_GetCurrentThread at 0
_GetCurrentThreadId at 0
_GetEnvironmentStrings at 0
_GetFileType at 4
_GetLastError at 0
_GetModuleFileNameA at 12
_GetModuleHandleA at 4
_GetOEMCP at 0
_GetStdHandle at 4
_GetStringTypeA at 20
_GetThreadContext at 8
_GetTickCount at 0
_GetVersion at 0
_GlobalAlloc at 8
_GlobalFree at 4
_InitializeCriticalSection at 4
_LCMapStringA at 24
_LeaveCriticalSection at 4
_MessageBoxA at 16
_MultiByteToWideChar at 24
_RaiseException at 16
_ReadFile at 20
_ReleaseSemaphore at 12
_ResumeThread at 4
_RtlUnwind at 16
_SetConsoleCtrlHandler at 8
_SetFilePointer at 16
_SetHandleCount at 4
_SetThreadPriority at 8
_SetUnhandledExceptionFilter at 4
_SuspendThread at 4
_UnhandledExceptionFilter at 4
_VirtualAlloc at 16
_VirtualFree at 12
_WaitForSingleObject at 8
_WideCharToMultiByte at 32
_WriteConsoleA at 20
_WriteFile at 20
__D3std6thread6Thread11threadstartWPvZk at 4
___CPPExceptionFilter at 4
___rtti?AVbad_cast at std@@
___rtti?AVbad_exception at std@@
___rtti?AVbad_typeid at std@@
___rtti?AVexception at std@@
___rtti?AVtype_info at std@@
___threadstartex at 4
___ti?AVbad_cast at std@@
___ti?AVbad_exception at std@@
___ti?AVbad_typeid at std@@
___ti?AVexception at std@@
___ti?AVtype_info at std@@
__d_throw at 4
__imp__CloseHandle at 4
__imp__CreateSemaphoreA at 16
__imp__CreateThread at 24
__imp__DeleteCriticalSection at 4
__imp__DeleteFileA at 4
__imp__DuplicateHandle at 28
__imp__EnterCriticalSection at 4
__imp__ExitProcess at 4
__imp__ExitThread at 4
__imp__FileTimeToDosDateTime at 12
__imp__FindClose at 4
__imp__FindFirstFileA at 8
__imp__FindNextFileA at 8
__imp__GetACP at 0
__imp__GetCPInfo at 8
__imp__GetCommandLineA at 0
__imp__GetCurrentProcess at 0
__imp__GetCurrentThread at 0
__imp__GetCurrentThreadId at 0
__imp__GetFileType at 4
__imp__GetLastError at 0
__imp__GetModuleFileNameA at 12
__imp__GetModuleHandleA at 4
__imp__GetOEMCP at 0
__imp__GetStdHandle at 4
__imp__GetStringTypeA at 20
__imp__GetThreadContext at 8
__imp__GetTickCount at 0
__imp__InitializeCriticalSection at 4
__imp__LCMapStringA at 24
__imp__LeaveCriticalSection at 4
__imp__MessageBoxA at 16
__imp__MultiByteToWideChar at 24
__imp__RaiseException at 16
__imp__ReleaseSemaphore at 12
__imp__ResumeThread at 4
__imp__SetConsoleCtrlHandler at 8
__imp__SetFilePointer at 16
__imp__SetHandleCount at 4
__imp__SetThreadPriority at 8
__imp__SetUnhandledExceptionFilter at 4
__imp__SuspendThread at 4
__imp__UnhandledExceptionFilter at 4
__imp__VirtualAlloc at 16
__imp__VirtualFree at 12
__imp__WaitForSingleObject at 8
__imp__WideCharToMultiByte at 32
__imp__WriteConsoleA at 20
So I either the map file is wrong (or I misunderstood it), the linker is
not stripping out 'unreferenced' functions, or there are many more
referenced functions than you suspected.
(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocracy!"
7/04/2006 9:39:07 AM
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