On processors for D ~ decoupling

kris foo at bar.com
Thu Apr 6 18:51:24 PDT 2006

Long post; sorry about that.

Walter Bright wrote:
> kris wrote:
>> Yes, that's correct. But typeinfo is a rather rudimetary part of the 
>> language support. Wouldn't you agree? If I, for example, declare an 
>> array of 10 bytes (static byte[10]) then I'm bound over to import 
>> std.string ~ simply because TypeInfo_StaticArray wants to use 
>> std.string.toString(int), rather than the C library version of itoa() 
>> or a "low-level support" version instead.
> It has nothing to do with having a static byte[10] declaration. For the 
> program:
> void main()
> {
>     static byte[10] b;
> }
> The only things referenced by the object file are _main, __acrtused_con, 
> and __Dmain. You can verify this by running obj2asm on the output, which 
> gives:
> -------------------------------------
> _TEXT   segment dword use32 public 'CODE'       ;size is 0
> _TEXT   ends
> _DATA   segment para use32 public 'DATA'        ;size is 0
> _DATA   ends
> CONST   segment para use32 public 'CONST'       ;size is 0
> CONST   ends
> _BSS    segment para use32 public 'BSS' ;size is 10
> _BSS    ends
> FLAT    group
> includelib phobos.lib
>         extrn   _main
>         extrn   __acrtused_con
>         extrn   __Dmain
> __Dmain COMDAT flags=x0 attr=x0 align=x0
> _TEXT   segment
>         assume  CS:_TEXT
> _TEXT   ends
> _DATA   segment
> _DATA   ends
> CONST   segment
> CONST   ends
> _BSS    segment
> _BSS    ends
> __Dmain comdat
>         assume  CS:__Dmain
>                 xor     EAX,EAX
>                 ret
> __Dmain ends
>         end
> ----------------------------------

It would help if you'd note under what circumstances the TypeInfo /is/ 
included, then. For example, this program:

void main()
         throw new Exception ("");

causes all kinds of TypeInfo to be linked:

_D3std8typeinfo2Aa11TypeInfo_Aa5tsizeFZk 004074E8
_D3std8typeinfo2Aa11TypeInfo_Aa6equalsFPvPvZi 00407470
_D3std8typeinfo2Aa11TypeInfo_Aa7compareFPvPvZi 004074CC
_D3std8typeinfo2Aa11TypeInfo_Aa7getHashFPvZk 00407430
_D3std8typeinfo2Aa11TypeInfo_Aa8toStringFZAa 00407424
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a4swapFPvPvZv 0040466C
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a5tsizeFZk 00404664
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a6equalsFPvPvZi 00404630
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a7compareFPvPvZi 0040464C
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a7getHashFPvZk 00404624
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_char10TypeInfo_a8toStringFZAa 00404618
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k4swapFPvPvZv 00407400
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k5tsizeFZk 004073F8
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k6equalsFPvPvZi 004073B0
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k7compareFPvPvZi 004073CC
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k7getHashFPvZk 004073A4
_D3std8typeinfo7ti_uint10TypeInfo_k8toStringFZAa 00407398
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array4swapFPvPvZv 004028A8
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array5tsizeFZk 004028A0
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array6equalsFPvPvZi 00402778
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array7compareFPvPvZi 00402808
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array7getHashFPvZk 0040271C
_D6object14TypeInfo_Array8toStringFZAa 004026F8
_D6object14TypeInfo_Class5tsizeFZk 00402C48
_D6object14TypeInfo_Class6equalsFPvPvZi 00402BB8
_D6object14TypeInfo_Class7compareFPvPvZi 00402C00
_D6object14TypeInfo_Class7getHashFPvZk 00402BA8
_D6object14TypeInfo_Class8toStringFZAa 00402B9C
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct5tsizeFZk 00402D3C
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct6equalsFPvPvZi 00402C94
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct7compareFPvPvZi 00402CE8
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct7getHashFPvZk 00402C58
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct8toStringFZAa 00402C50
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer4swapFPvPvZv 004026E0
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer5tsizeFZk 004026D8
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer6equalsFPvPvZi 004026AC
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer7compareFPvPvZi 004026C8
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer7getHashFPvZk 004026A0
_D6object16TypeInfo_Pointer8toStringFZAa 0040267C
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef4swapFPvPvZv 00402664
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef5tsizeFZk 00402658
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef6equalsFPvPvZi 00402628 
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef7compareFPvPvZi 00402640
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef7getHashFPvZk 00402618
_D6object16TypeInfo_Typedef8toStringFZAa 00402610
_D6object17TypeInfo_Delegate5tsizeFZk 00402B94
_D6object17TypeInfo_Delegate8toStringFZAa 00402B70
_D6object17TypeInfo_Function5tsizeFZk 00402B6C
_D6object17TypeInfo_Function8toStringFZAa 00402B48
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray4swapFPvPvZv 00402A40
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray5tsizeFZk 00402A2C
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray6equalsFPvPvZi 00402960
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray7compareFPvPvZi 004029BC
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray7getHashFPvZk 00402924
_D6object20TypeInfo_StaticArray8toStringFZAa 004028E4
_D6object25TypeInfo_AssociativeArray5tsizeFZk 00402B40 
_D6object25TypeInfo_AssociativeArray8toStringFZAa 00402AFC

Where did all that come from? I suspect you're looking at this concern 
with a microscope only, while I think the bigger picture is perhaps more 

> Examining the .map file produced shows that only these functions are 
> pulled in from std.string:
> 0002:00002364       _D3std6string7iswhiteFwZi  00404364
> 0002:000023A4       _D3std6string3cmpFAaAaZi   004043A4
> 0002:000023E8       _D3std6string4findFAawZi   004043E8
> 0002:00002450       _D3std6string8toStringFkZAa 00404450
> 0002:000024CC       _D3std6string9inPatternFwAaZi 004044CC
> 0002:00002520       _D3std6string6columnFAaiZk 00404520
> I do not know offhand why a couple of those are pulled in, but I suggest 
> that obj2asm and the generated .map files are invaluable at determining 
> what pulls in what. Sometimes the results are surprising.

Yes they are surprising ~ partly because there's more than one might 

  0003:00000D74       _D3std6string10whitespaceG6a 00411D74
  0003:00000D7C       _D3std6string2LSw          00411D7C
  0003:00000D80       _D3std6string2PSw          00411D80
  0002:00002464       _D3std6string3cmpFAaAaZi   00404464
  0002:000024A8       _D3std6string4findFAawZi   004044A8
  0002:000025E4       _D3std6string6columnFAaiZi 004045E4
  0003:00000CF4       _D3std6string6digitsG10a   00411CF4
  0002:00002424       _D3std6string7iswhiteFwZi  00404424
  0003:00000D40       _D3std6string7lettersG52a  00411D40
  0003:00000D84       _D3std6string7newlineG2a   00411D84
  0002:00002514       _D3std6string8toStringFkZAa 00404514
  0003:00000CE4       _D3std6string9hexdigitsG16a 00411CE4
  0002:00002590       _D3std6string9inPatternFwAaZi 00404590
  0003:00000D08       _D3std6string9lowercaseG26a 00411D08
  0003:00000D00       _D3std6string9octdigitsG8a 00411D00
  0003:00000D24       _D3std6string9uppercaseG26a 00411D24

Please see the extensive list at the end for some further surprises

>> That's tight-coupling within very low-level language support. Uncool.
>> Wouldn't you at least agree that specific instance is hardly an 
>> absolute necessity?
> std.string.toString is 124 bytes long, and doesn't pull anything else in 
> (except see below). Writing another version of it in typeinfo isn't 
> going to reduce the size of the program *at all*, in fact, it will 
> likely increase it because now there'll be two versions of it.

You're focusing purely on the fact that adding an itoa() would increase 
the executable size. At the same time, completely ignoring the explicit 
mention of using the C runtime function instead (which is usually linked 
also), and the clear fact that importing std.string brings along with it 
the following:

  0003:00000D74       _D3std6string10whitespaceG6a 00411D74
  0003:00000D7C       _D3std6string2LSw          00411D7C
  0003:00000D80       _D3std6string2PSw          00411D80
  0002:00002464       _D3std6string3cmpFAaAaZi   00404464
  0002:000024A8       _D3std6string4findFAawZi   004044A8
  0002:000025E4       _D3std6string6columnFAaiZi 004045E4
  0003:00000CF4       _D3std6string6digitsG10a   00411CF4
  0002:00002424       _D3std6string7iswhiteFwZi  00404424
  0003:00000D40       _D3std6string7lettersG52a  00411D40
  0003:00000D84       _D3std6string7newlineG2a   00411D84
  0002:00002514       _D3std6string8toStringFkZAa 00404514
  0003:00000CE4       _D3std6string9hexdigitsG16a 00411CE4
  0002:00002590       _D3std6string9inPatternFwAaZi 00404590
  0003:00000D08       _D3std6string9lowercaseG26a 00411D08
  0003:00000D00       _D3std6string9octdigitsG8a 00411D00
  0003:00000D24       _D3std6string9uppercaseG26a 00411D24

Along with a number of dependencies.

And, apparently, you think it's perhaps responsible for bringing in the 
floating point support too.

The point being made is that of coupling between low and high levels ~ 
illustrated quite well by the above.

I think this kind of thing is worth addressing, for a number of reasons.

>>> Although there is a lot of code in std.string, unreferenced free 
>>> functions in it should be discarded by the linker. A check of the 
>>> generated .map file should verify this - it is certainly supposed to 
>>> work that way. One problem Java has is that there are no free 
>>> functions, so referencing one function wound up pulling in every part 
>>> of the class the function resided in.
>> This is exactly the case with printf <g>. It winds up linking the world
> No, it does not link in the world, floating point, or graphics 
> libraries. It links in C's standard I/O (which usually gets linked in 
> anyway), and about 4000 bytes of code. That's somewhat less than a 
> megabyte <g>.

Who says the standard C IO should /always/ get linked in? D currently 
/enforces/ that, whereas it's not a requirement at all for valid 
operation. What's more, the enforcement is simply because Object.d has a 
print() method, which uses printf() like so:

print ()
     printf ("%.*s", toString());

Why not just use ConsoleWrite(), or anything but printf()? There's a 
number of valid (and decoupled) alternatives to this approach. Why can't 
they be used instead? You're answer is "well, it doesn't make any 
difference anyway". That's entirely silly. Yes, the C-library 
console-startup wrapper causes the IO system to be linked also. But that 
can be replaced, since it's not directly part of the D runtime support. 
To make things worse, Object.print() is perhaps the least used method in 
all of D! Thus, it tends to place this whole issue on the verge of 

Why not just remove the dependency instead?

One of the tenets of good library design is to build in layers, and then 
ensure there's no dependencies between a lower layer and any of the 
higher ones. Here's two cases of just such a dependency ~ they are 
almost trivial to fix, yet nothing happens ... why?

Thus, I really don't wish to argue with you on this one, Walter. If you 
simply refuse to accept that any system might prefer to avoid the 
default IO platform, for whatever valid reason it may have, then there's 
little point in even discussing the nature of tight-coupling.

One can hack the internal dependencies in an attempt to rectify the 
concerns; yet why? Better to leave all of /internal and friends as it 
stands to avoid branching the code. I really thought you'd understand 
the value in making that part platform (library) agnostic. And for such 
a minor cost, too.

>> because it's a general purpose utility function that does all kinds of 
>> conversion and all kinds of IO. Printf() is an all or nothing design ~ 
>> you can't selectively link pieces of it.
>> That's usually not a problem. However, you've chosen to bind it to 
>> low-level language support (in the root Object). That choice causes 
>> tight coupling between the language low-level support and a high-level 
>> library function ~ one which ought to be optional.
>> Wouldn't you at least agree this specific case is not necessary for 
>> the D language to function correctly? That there are other perfectly 
>> workable alternatives?
> It's just not a big deal. Try the following:
> extern (C) int printf(char* f, ...) { return 0; }
> void main()
> {
>     static byte[10] b;
> }
> and compare the difference in exe file sizes, with and without the 
> printf stub.

Funny :-D

It makes little difference because all the other dependency code is 
linked in from other places, Walter. It can be fixed one step at a time.

What you're saying here is the following. Take a shotgun, and pepper the 
boat you're standing in with holes. Now, see? When you plug up this one 
hole, it really doesn't stop the water coming in? See? Hardly any 

Needless to say, I think you're being somewhat disingenious. Or, at 
least trying to obfuscate a simple case of unecessary low-high coupling 
in D. But let's move on ...

>>> printf doesn't pull in the floating point library (I went to a lot of 
>>> effort to make that so!). It does pull in the C IO library, which is 
>>> very hard to not pull in (there always seems to be something 
>>> referencing it). It shouldn't pull in the C wide character stuff. D's 
>>> IO (writefln) will pull in C's IO anyway, so the only thing extra is 
>>> the integer version of the specific printf code (about 4K).
>> How can it convert %f, %g and so on if it doesn't use FP support at all? 
> It's magic! Naw, it's just that if you actually use floating point in a 
> program, the compiler emits a special extern reference (to __fltused) 
> which pulls in the floating point IO formatting code. Otherwise, it 
> defaults to just a stub. Try it.

void main()
         throw new Exception ("");

I'm quite familiar with __fltused. It's clearly used by the little 
example program above, given that this stuff is linked in:

  0003:00007150       ___wpscanfloat             00418150
  0003:00007154       ___wpfloatfmt              00418154
  0003:00007158       ___pscanfloat              00418158
  0003:0000715C       ___pfloatfmt               0041815C
  0003:0000453C       __8087                     0041553C
  0003:0000453C       __80x87                    0041553C
  0002:0000E560       __8087_init                00410560
  0002:0000E9B0       __FCOMPP@                  004109B0
  0002:0000E9CE       __FTEST0@                  004109CE
  0002:0000E9EE       __FTEST@                   004109EE
  0002:0000EA06       __DTST87@                  00410A06
  0002:0000EA0A       __87TOPSW@                 00410A0A
  0002:0000EA0F       __DBLTO87@                 00410A0F
  0002:0000EA1A       __DBLINT87@                00410A1A
  0002:0000EA3B       __DBLLNG87@                00410A3B
  0002:0000EA57       __FLTTO87@                 00410A57
  0002:0000EA5E       __status87                 00410A5E
  0002:0000EA63       __clear87                  00410A63
  0002:0000EA6C       __control87                00410A6C
  0002:0000EA93       __fpreset                  00410A93

That looks rather like floating point support; Where in the program is 
floating point actually used? I don't get it.

>> Either way, it's not currently possible to build a D program without a 
>> swathe of FP support code,
>> printf,
>> the entire C IO package,
>> wide-char support,
>> and a whole lot more besides. I'd assumed the linked FP support was 
>> for printf, but perhaps it's for std.string instead? I've posted the 
>> linker maps (in the past) to illustrate exactly this.
> My point is that assuming what is pulled in by what is about as reliable 
> as guessing where the bottlenecks in one's code is. You can't tell 
> bottlenecks without a profiler, and you've got both hands tied behind 
> your back trying to figure out who pulls in what if you're not using 
> .map files, grep, and obj2asm.
>> Are you not at all interested in improving this aspect of the language 
>> usage?
> Sure, but based on accurate information. 


> Pulling printf won't do 
> anything. Try it if you don't agree.

That's your claim, not mine :)

See the analogy above.

> For example, which modules pull in the floating point formatting code? 
> It isn't printf. We can find out by doing a grep for __fltused:
> boxer.obj:      __fltused
> complex.obj:    __fltused
> conv.obj:       __fltused
> date.obj:       __fltused
> demangle.obj:   __fltused
> format.obj:     __fltused
> gamma.obj:      __fltused
> math.obj:       __fltused
> math2.obj:      __fltused
> outbuffer.obj:  __fltused
> stream.obj:     __fltused
> string.obj:     __fltused
> ti_Acdouble.obj:        __fltused
> ti_Acfloat.obj: __fltused
> ti_Acreal.obj:  __fltused
> ti_Adouble.obj: __fltused
> ti_Afloat.obj:  __fltused
> ti_Areal.obj:   __fltused
> ti_cdouble.obj: __fltused
> ti_cfloat.obj:  __fltused
> ti_creal.obj:   __fltused
> ti_double.obj:  __fltused
> ti_float.obj:   __fltused
> ti_real.obj:    __fltused
> Some examination of the .map file shows that the only one of these 
> pulled in by default is std.string. So I think a reasonable approach 
> would be to look at removing the floating point from std.string 

So importing std.string is causing FP support to be imported? No 
surprises there; something is certainly bringing it in. Along with the 
"world", as one can see from the attached .map of the example program:

void main()
         throw new Exception ("");

Keep in mind it's not the number of entries, but the number of 
superfluous entries that are of concern (I removed all Win32 imports in 
an attempt to make the list more managable).

Also, please keep in mind that the concern is one of unecessary coupling 
from the low-level runtime support, into the high-level library 
functions. This will often result in a cascade of dependencies, much 
like what we see below. Not only does it cause code-bloat, but it makes 
the language-support dependent upon a specific high-level library. These 
dependencies are /very/ easy to remedy, with an approriate reduction in 
code size as a bonus.

The map file is here, since it's too big to attach: 

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