ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Fri Apr 28 15:19:22 PDT 2006

On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:11:20 +1000, Gabe McArthur  
<Gabe_member at> wrote:

> You may remember me from another post I made a couple of days ago on the  
> main D
> thread site, regarding the state of the libraries and the focus of the  
> language.
> I read your responses -- some were positive, others less so -- and I sat  
> around
> and thought carefully about what everyone had to say.  I was concerned  
> that I
> had really made myself look like a fool, but then I thought, if you  
> don't risk
> looking like a fool, then you haven't really tried to do anything

> So, here it is!  I've created the basic (and quite ugly) site for the new
> site.

And how is this different, or an improvement, over ?

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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