ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop

kris foo at
Fri Apr 28 15:27:21 PDT 2006

Gabe McArthur wrote:
> You may remember me from another post I made a couple of days ago on the main D
> thread site, regarding the state of the libraries and the focus of the language.
> I read your responses -- some were positive, others less so -- and I sat around
> and thought carefully about what everyone had to say.  I was concerned that I
> had really made myself look like a fool, but then I thought, if you don't risk
> looking like a fool, then you haven't really tried to do anything.  I was also
> afraid that I had put people off by my (perhaps overly) stringent critiques, or
> that people wouldn't be interested in joining a group devoted to the ideals of
> the GNU.  But, as I was reading through the internet on the differenes between
> 'free' and 'open-source' software, I came across an article by Richard Stallman
> at  From reading
> that article, I've come to the conclusion that somebody needs to step up to the
> plate and provide those of us in the community who like D, a place to organize
> and develop free solutions to D's problems.  I thought that I might be one of
> the first of those people.
> So, here it is!  I've created the basic (and quite ugly) site for the new
> site.  I hope to have a lot of people participating in this new
> movement, so I'll be creating Wikis, Trac sites for GNU-D projects (including
> the GDC, I think), SVN annonymous access for checkouts, customizable project
> homepages, etc.  As people become involved, of course, they will be given
> check-in/versioning rights to repositories and management over their own project
> sites.  I will be putting up a wiki in the next couple of days outlining what I
> feel our first steps should be.  For instance, as to the issue of liscenses, I
> think it best to use the LGPL for the majority of our libraries and the GPL for
> our main projects (gdc, a build mechanism, an IDE).
> If you have something that you'd like to email me about, please do so: gnu.for.d
> AT  I look forward to working with the community to make building,
> maintaining, and working with D a joy that everyone can share in.
> 'If you organize it...they will come'
> Salud!
> Gabe McArthur

ach ... I thought perhaps you were serious about helping for a moment.

Have a trout ... courtesy of :)

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