ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop

Boris Wang nano.kago at
Fri Apr 28 19:15:50 PDT 2006

"Gabe McArthur" <Gabe_member at> 写入消息新闻:e2u5sf$109e$1 at
> >ach ... I thought perhaps you were serious about helping for a moment.
>>Have a trout ... courtesy of :)
> Realize this: dsource is a collection of disparate tools and 
> vague/nebulous
> repositories.  I'm talking about conformity and organization. 
> Standardized
> libraries.  A compiler that works in conjunction with other tools.  A 
> debugger
> (GDB).  Everything can be organized as one cohesive whole.  This is so 
> that as
> the libraries grow and the compiler becomes better, the threshold for 
> people
> everywhere to work with D becomes lower.  Further, it will work off a 
> standard
> development model, where the community can move and contribute much more 
> quickly
> than any one person.  Walter is a great guy with a fantastic vision, but 
> he's
> just one man, and his output can't really compete with a group of 
> organized
> volunteers.


> As to the corporate angle, that's why the libraries should be liscensed 
> under
> the LGPL, as that permit commercial code to link to the libraries without
> necessarily forcing them to disperse their own code.  Take a look at Mono 
> for
> crying out loud.  Their runtime and compiler are both GPL.  And that's not 
> even
> necessarily to say that all libraries MUST be LGPL.  The community can 
> decide as
> to whether we can let other compatable liscenses into the mix (perhaps the 
> or BSD liscenses).
> Besides, until big time companies actually have a working collection of 
> tools
> and a coherent library, getting corporate backing seems somewhat moot. 
> Look at
> the Linux kernel -- we have absolutely no conception of how much corporate 
> money
> goes into the kernel every year (it's on the order of 10's of millions, to 
> be
> sure), and they don't seem to have huge concerns about contributing back 
> to the
> community -- if they did, the kernel wouldn't have grown as it has!

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