ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop
Boris Wang
nano.kago at
Fri Apr 28 20:01:02 PDT 2006
Yes, the license is not most important. The most import is the that many
professional developers
can take part in, improving the compiler and library, and not only a
And now, Walter is an "autarch", the others just suggest, suggest, suggest,
and the result nobody known.
May be Brad, you can
I'm not a expert of D, and even a newbie on development of windows.
"Brad Roberts" <braddr at>
??????:Pine.LNX.4.64.0604281914330.2422 at
> An odd statement, since GNU has nothing to do with Apache or Firefox.
> Linux does use the GNU license, and the OS's that build on top of the
> kernel use a ton of GNU tools, which are important, sure. But let's try
> to leave religious debates (licenses, editors, etc) out of this, they're
> counter productive.
> What D needs is people to _do_ stuff, not just talk about. Work together
> to improve what exists. Don't fork off and start new, competing, projects
> and websites. Find something that exists already and improve upon it.
> If something that needs to exist but doesn't, sure, start something new.
> We don't need yet another wiki site. We don't need yet another project
> repository. We do need people contributing to both. If you have issues
> with how a part of the community is running, let's work to improve it.
> So, wanna help? Do something, but do it constructively.
> Later,
> Brad
> On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Boris Wang wrote:
>> Without GNU, Without the miracle of Linux, Apache, Firefox.
>> We need a miracle of D, and GNU can make it.
>> "Hasan Aljudy" <hasan.aljudy at>
>> ??????:e2u4ob$v42$1 at
>> > I'm not a big fan of GNU, and I don't think that GNU-izing D is for the
>> > best interest of the language.
>> > Let's be realistic: For D to succeed, it has to be used for commercial
>> > projects. The big guys in the market must embrace it.
>> >
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