ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop (LGPL)

Sean Kelly sean at
Sat Apr 29 11:00:22 PDT 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> It is much better. The prohibition against static linking is IMHO the 
>> most absurd condition in any license I've seen (with the possible 
>> exception of the Arse licence used by Deimos).
> But you know why LGPL has this somewhat tedious requirement, right ?
> You *can* link your app statically, as long as you provide the object
> files necessary for linking everything with the LGPL library replaced.
> You do have to include the source code for the LGPL component, though.
> (Most of the time just using the standard shared libraries is easier)
> Anyway, the wxWidgets license does allow you to link it either way...
>> But having a license with an exception just seems complicated to me.
> Having two licenses on one code isn't exactly uncomplicated either...

Both of these restrictions can be somewhat of an obstacle for a 
commercial project.  Personally, I'd prefer an artistic-style license so 
as not to unnecessarily restrict the users of my code.


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