GNU-D opens up shop

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Sat Apr 29 17:16:21 PDT 2006

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 06:38:56 +1000, Hasan Aljudy <hasan.aljudy at>  

> I think that if you have a vision, you must be the leader in order to  
> achieve that vision.
> Gabe seems to have a vision, he cannot realize that vision on  
>, there for he's trying to create a new movement among the  
> community, where he is the leader that directs everyone to achieve the  
> vision that he has.

This is exactly the feeling I got too. I'm not ready to support Gabe as  
the self-elected boss yet. The dsource approach seem to suit me better.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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