My silly game

James Dunne james.jdunne at
Sun Apr 30 11:28:36 PDT 2006

Tom S wrote:
> At my univ we've been doing presentations for the 'English for 
> Information Technology' course. Students have grouped into teams of 2 or 
> 3 persons and we chose some topics to present. Me and my friend were 
> lucky to talk about computer games. To accompany the presentation, I 
> made a simple game in D. It's a combination of Die-Hard and quiz games :)
> The name of the game is STFU, which obviously means 'Shoot That Fat Uncle'.
> here's the download link:
> and a screenshot:
> The .zip archive contains the full source code (You'll need Build 2.09, 
> DMD.154 and Derelict to compile it yourself) and binary versions for 
> Windows and Linux. The linux version was compiled on SuSE and it 
> requires you to have OpenGL, GLU, SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf and DevIL 
> runtimes (.so files)
> The game has been completed in under a week (some source has been taken 
> from my other D projects) so not much testing was done. It worked on 90% 
> of test platforms, showing weird problems on one system with GeForce7800 
> and one ATI x1800. That's yet to be debugged. But it ran fine on 
> platforms ranging from SiS and Intel graphics cards, thru Riva TNT to 
> GF5 series.
> If you experience any problems, please send your hardware specifications 
> and a description of the problem to the email: h3r3tic xx o2 xx pl
> During most of the game you're supposed to shoot the guys that give bad 
> answers to questions. You shoot with your left mouse button, reload with 
> the right.
> The faces of ingame characters are the faces of folks from my univ 
> stolen completely with no permission but laughed over ;)
> Enjoy :D

That's awesome.

James Dunne

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