variadic func to call another variadic func

Daniel919 Daniel919 at
Thu Aug 24 15:12:33 PDT 2006

Hi, I tried to create a simple solution for constructor inheritance

The example code illustrates the problem, called in the topic.

import std.string;
import std.stdio;

class Base {
     this() {
         m_val = -1;

     this(int val) {
         m_val = val;

     int m_val;

class Derived : Base {
     this(...) {
         super(_arguments); // <= the problem

         // ... do some special Derived constructor stuff

void main() {
     Derived obj1 = new Derived();
     writefln("obj1.m_val: " ~ format(obj1.m_val));
     Derived obj2 = new Derived(12345);
     writefln("obj2.m_val: " ~ format(obj2.m_val));

The constructor of Derived has to call the constructor of Base with
the same parameters itself got called.

What would be the best way to do this ?

[Sorry for not posting this in digitalmars.D, but that forum isn't
working for me]

Thanks for your replies in advance,

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