Getting back into translating the Win32 headers - anyone?

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Sat Dec 2 16:17:32 PST 2006

Stewart Gordon wrote:
> There are a few open issues that I feel still need to be addressed:

I'd thought of a few more open issues, but I can't seem to remember what 
half of them are!

7. Should we keep the pragma(msg) instances, or rewrite them to use 
static assert with a custom message?  The only problem with static 
assert messages is that DMD doesn't present them in the best way.

8. In some instances, templates have been used to reimplement 
preprocessor macros from the C headers that are used to define 
constants.  In others, the constants defined by these macros have been 
defined directly by literals.  Which should we stick to?


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