PDF version of the D manuals, take 2

Tomas Lindquist Olsen tomas at famolsen.dk
Tue Dec 5 12:54:49 PST 2006

BCS wrote:

> Walter Bright wrote:
> > BCS wrote:
> >>I've started a makefile to do this (and a DOS to Linux conversion
> on  the makefile and whatnot), so far it only does <B> and <I> now
> but it  shouldn't be hard to extend some of the tags (<p> for
> instance) might  not be so easy.
> > 
> > I've been gradually doing this, it just isn't complete yet.
> BTW what should be done with something like this:
> <b>(</b> foo <b>)</b>
> I would expect this doesn't work
> $(B () foo $(B ))

The the DDoc manual on macros:

"If stray, unnested parentheses are used, they can be replaced with the
entity &#40; for ( and &#41; for )."


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