Template BigNum implemented without runtime loops
BCS at pathlink.com
Mon Dec 11 11:47:40 PST 2006
I have implemented a arbitrary precision integer type using a struct and
templates. Currently it supports ==, +, -, *, +=, -= and *=. It should
be fairly efficient as it uses static foreaches and asm blocks to unroll
all of the looping and conditionals.
I haven't tested the multiplication much yet so it may well contain
bugs. (If it doesn't I will be vary surprised)
On my system DMD crashes for size > 73 (e.i. 73 * 32b = 2336b).
Here it is.
import std.stdio;
template decimalDigit(int n)
const char[] decimalDigit = "0123456789"[n..n+1];
template itoa(long n)
static if (n < 0)
const char[] itoa = "-" ~ itoa!(-n);
else static if (n < 10)
const char[] itoa = decimalDigit!(n);
const char[] itoa = itoa!(n/10L) ~ decimalDigit!(n%10L);
BigNum!(5) tmp,add,sum;
tmp.set = uint .max;
assert(tmp.values[0] == uint.max, "set(uint) failed");
assert(tmp == uint.max, "opEqual(uint) false neg");
assert(tmp != 1, "opEqual(uint) false pos");
add.set = 1;
assert(add.values[0] == 1, "set(uint) failed");
assert(add == 1, "opEqual(uint) false neg");
assert(add != uint.max, "opEqual(uint) false pos");
tmp.values[1] = uint.max;
sum = tmp+add;
assert(sum.values[0] == 0, "low word failed");
assert(sum.values[1] == 0, "carry word failed");
assert(sum.values[2] == 1, "high word failed");
sum = tmp;
sum += add;
assert(sum.values[0] == 0, "low word failed");
assert(sum.values[1] == 0, "carry word failed");
assert(sum.values[2] == 1, "high word failed");
tmp.values[2] = tmp.values[0] = 0;
tmp.values[1] = 1;
sum = tmp - add;
assert(sum.values[0] == uint.max, "low word failed");
assert(sum.values[1] == 0, "borrow word failed");
assert(sum.values[2] == 0, "high word failed");
sum = tmp;
sum -= add;
assert(sum.values[0] == uint.max, "low word failed");
assert(sum.values[1] == 0, "borrow word failed");
assert(sum.values[2] == 0, "high word failed");
sum = tmp*add;
template BigNum(uint size)
static if(size > 73)
pragma(mgs, "Ok, I'll try it. But don't say I didn't warn you!!!");
static if(size <= 2)
static assert(false, "BigNum!(size) is not valid for size <= 2");
alias build!(size, size-2, size-1) BigNum;
template build(uint size, uint i, V...)
static if(i==1)
alias use!(size, 1, V) build;
alias build!(size, i-1, i, V) build;
template use(uint size, V...)
struct use
//DMD0.174 seg-v for size > 73
static if(size > 73)
pragma(mgs, "You have set a new world record!!!!");
static assert(0 == values.offsetof);
uint[size] values;
void Emit()
for(int i=size-1; i>0; i--)
void set(uint val)
values[0] = val;
static if(size>1)
foreach(inout v; values[1..$])
v = 0;
bool opEquals(uint i)
if (values[0] != i) return false;
static if(size>1)
foreach(inout v; values[1..$])
if(v != 0) return false;
return true;
bool opEquals(use!(size, V) i)
return i.values[] == values[];
use!(size, V) opAdd(use!(size, V) to)
uint* ths = this.values.ptr;
uint* dest = to.values.ptr;
// DON'T USE "this" after this line!!!!!!!
mov EAX, ths[0];
mov EBX, dest[0];
mov EDX, [EAX+0];
add [EBX+0], EDX;
foreach(j,i; V)
const uint off = V[j]*4; // this is a work-around
mov EDX, [EAX+off];
adc [EBX+off], EDX;
return to;
use!(size, V) opSub(use!(size, V) to)
uint* ths = this.values.ptr;
uint* dest = to.values.ptr;
// DON'T USE "this" after this line!!!!!!!
{ // dest = ths - dest
mov EAX, ths[0]; // dest = *EAX - dest
mov EBX, dest[0]; // dest = *EAX - *EBX
mov EDX, [EAX+0]; // dest = EDX - *EBX
sub EDX, [EBX+0]; // EDX = EDX - *EBX
mov [EBX+0], EDX; // *EBX
// dest
foreach(j,i; V)
const uint off = V[j]*4; // this is a work-around
// dest = ths - dest
// dest = *EAX - *EBX
mov EDX, [EAX+off]; // dest = EDX - *EBX
sbb EDX, [EBX+off]; // EDX = EDX - ECX
mov [EBX+off], EDX; // *EBX
// dest
return to;
use!(size, V) opMul(use!(size, V) to)
uint* ths = this.values.ptr;
use!(size, V) ret;
// DON'T USE "this" after this line!!!!!!!
// EDX:EAX mul in/out
// load values.ptr[0] -> ECX
mov ECX, ths[0];
mov ECX, [ECX];
// load to.values.ptr[0] -> EAX
mov EAX, to[0];
// EDX:EAX = mul(EAX, ECX)
imul ECX;
// load EAX -> ret.values[0]
mov ret[0], EAX;
// load EDX -> ret.values[1]
mov ret[1], EDX;
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set ret[0] from ths[0]
and to[0]");
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set ret[1] from ths[0]
and to[0]");
foreach(i,j; V)
// get rank of this row
const uint OutI = V[i]; // this is a work-around
// load values.ptr[OutI] -> ECX
mov ECX, ths;
mov ECX, [ECX+OutI];
// load to.values.ptr[0] -> EAX
mov EAX, to[0];
// EDX:EAX = mul(EAX, ECX)
imul ECX;
// load ret.values[OutI] -> EBX
mov EBX, ret[OutI];
// EBX = add(EBX, EAX)
add EBX, EAX;
// load EBX -> ret.values[OutI]
mov ret[OutI], EBX;
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set
ret["~itoa!(OutI)~"] from ths["~itoa!(OutI)~"] and to[0]");
static if(OutI+1 < size)
// load ret.values[OutI+1] -> EBX
mov EBX, ret[OutI+1];
// EBX = adc(EBX, EDX)
adc EBX, EDX;
// load EBX -> ret.values[OutI+1]
mov ret[OutI+1], EBX;
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set
ret["~itoa!(OutI+1)~"] from ths["~itoa!(OutI)~"] and to[0]");
foreach(k,l; V)
const uint InI = V[i]; // this is a work-around
const uint DesI = OutI + InI;
static if(DesI < size)
// load to.values.ptr[InI] -> EAX
mov EAX, to[InI];
// EDX:EAX = mul(EAX, ECX)
imul ECX;
// load ret.values[DesI] -> EBX
mov EBX, ret[DesI];
// EBX = add(EBX, EAX)
add EBX, EAX;
// load EBX -> ret.values[DesI]
mov ret[DesI], EBX;
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set
ret["~itoa!(DesI)~"] from ths["~itoa!(OutI)~"] and to["~itoa!(InI)~"]");
static if(DesI+1 < size)
// load ret.values[DesI+1] -> EBX
mov EBX, ret[DesI+1];
// EBX = adc(EBX, EDX)
adc EBX, EDX;
// load EBX -> ret.values[DesI+1]
mov ret[DesI+1], EBX;
debug pragma(msg, itoa!(__LINE__)~": set
ret["~itoa!(DesI+1)~"] from ths["~itoa!(OutI)~"] and to["~itoa!(InI)~"]");
return ret;
use!(size, V) opAddAssign(use!(size, V) to)
uint* ths = this.values.ptr;
uint* dest = to.values.ptr;
// DON'T USE "this" after this line!!!!!!!
mov EBX, ths[0];
mov EAX, dest[0];
mov EDX, [EAX+0];
add [EBX+0], EDX;
// no store needed because dest is memory
foreach(j,i; V)
const uint off = V[j]*4;// this is a work-around
mov EDX, [EAX+off];
adc [EBX+off], EDX;
// no store needed because dest is memory
return to;
use!(size, V) opSubAssign(use!(size, V) to)
uint* ths = this.values.ptr;
uint* dest = to.values.ptr;
// DON'T USE "this" after this line!!!!!!!
mov EBX, ths[0];
mov EAX, dest[0];
mov EDX, [EAX+0];
sub [EBX+0], EDX;
// no store needed because dest is memory
foreach(j,i; V)
const uint off = V[j]*4;// this is a work-around
mov EDX, [EAX+off];
sbb [EBX+off], EDX;
// no store needed because dest is memory
return to;
use!(size, V) opMulAssign(use!(size, V) to)
return *this = opMul(to);
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