From the Department of Insane Ideas: D on the JVM

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Wed Dec 13 12:17:51 PST 2006

Alexander Panek wrote:
>> Actually it's fairly simple. NestedVM provides a virtual syscall 
>> "CallJava" that allows you to send a few ints out, you catch that with 
>> a Java function that gets strings or whatnot, and then it goes out to 
>> the Java world. It also provides you with .call(), which allows you to 
>> call any extern (C) function in D from Java.
> World impacts! I mean, wow. That sounds like a *very* useful feature, 
> actually. You could use advantages of three languages. Pretty impressive.
>>  - Gregor Richards

It IS impressive... although it starts sounding like possible early thoughts of those who 
went on to create .NET/Mono and SunONE, which also attempt to marry languages after a fashion.

I'm keeping my eye on this "insane" project.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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