PDF verssion of D manuals

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Thu Dec 14 16:08:21 PST 2006

BCS wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Just pick one or two of the files to develop the technique. Once that 
>> works, we can fix the rest.
> file:///home/urxae/tmp/ddoc_tex/tex.ddoc
> Here is the first attack
> PDFs here:
> http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~shro8822/type.pdf
> The table environment is proving hard to deal with. Also, it's looking 
> like Ddoc is going to need some sort of find-and-replace for escaping 
> special strings (think SED).
> and here:
> http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/~shro8822/glossary.pdf

I've been messing around with this a bit. Attached you'll find an 
updated tex.ddoc. Tables are now actually tables (not just a giant blob 
of text :)), and section headers are now properly in \section and 
The table handling is far from perfect, though; columns are hard-coded 
to a maximum of 3 colums, each 5cm wide.

Does anyone know how to get HTML-like auto-wrapping cells in latex, 
without having to explicitly specify their width? Or is this not possible?

By the way, there's a missing '$' in the ulong row of the table at the 
top of type.d.

Walter Bright wrote:
 > BCS wrote:
 >> Here is the first attack
 > It's a good start. If you can write up the roadblocks you're
 > encountering, I can try and figure out a way to deal with them.

Well, it might be handy to have a way to repeat a character N times, 
with N given by a macro parameter.
Then the table macro could accept a number-of-columns argument, 
generalizing it to any number of columns.
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