PDF verssion of D manuals

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Thu Dec 14 17:39:11 PST 2006

Bill Baxter wrote:
> BCS wrote:
>> The problem for tables is that TeX defines tables sizes with a syntax 
>> like this
>> \begin{table}[llll]
>>     % a table with 4 col.
>>     ....
>> \end{table}
>> the string that needs to be inserted into the template is the sequence 
>> of "l", for which there needs to be one for each col. Some sort of 
>> translation from "4" to "llll" is needed.
> I'm pretty certain you could write a TeX macro to do that.  Don't ask me 
> how though.  :-)  Then DDoc macro would spit out something like 
> \some_els{4}, which would then be processed by a LaTeX macro into 'llll'.

Ooh, using TeX instead of DDoc for this is something I hadn't 
considered. Too bad I suck at TeX beyond basic markup :(.

> Supposedly TeX is a Turing complete programming language, so it should 
> be possible.  Just maybe not fun.

It only needs to be done once though...
Any TeX gurus in this newsgroup?

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